Wednesday 15 October 2014

Nothing Lasts Forever

Not all friendships last forever, and that's okay. Sometimes people enter our lives, either to disrupt it or to serve a valuable purpose and then leave again. 

I have made peace within myself that not all friendships last forever, we should embrace it while it's here and release it when it leaves. It has served its purpose (whatever that my may be), and it's a good thing. 

Sometimes you can feel when a friendship has run its course, and it's not something to fight against because if you do hold on then it becomes toxic. Just move on.... gracefully.

 We all serve a purpose; I believe, and you might have been someone's guardian angel at a time when they needed one the most.   Embrace the journey of life don't fight it. 


Tuesday 17 September 2013

So Kyal has lost interest in potty training. He showed interest all by himself in the beginning, going to the toilet and pulling down his pants, pretending to pee-pee. But I don't know if it's the coldness, but he refuses to take off his nappy. So i decided to download some potty training videos for him to watch to build up his interest again. And it seems to be working. I tried it last night, briefly. Showed him the video. After that I told him to potty and throw his pee-pee in toilet.

I am so excited. LOL.

Thursday 4 July 2013

Goodbye to booby

So Monday evening I decided to stop breastfeeding Kyal, my two yr, 5 month old son. After a painful weekend, I could not handle the torture any longer and decided to place plasters over each breast and tell him the kakka (bug) bit me. Success.

The first night was subtle - crying briefly when he woke during the night. I would say a breeze. He chose to replace it with Marie biscuits and water. I felt so sad seeing him break his biscuit in his sleep and placing it in his mouth.

The Tuesday evening, he fell asleep easily, but when he woke up at 1am, he was hysterical, kicking and screaming and crying such a sad cry, begging me for his booby. Eventually he decided he wanted to watch cartoons and fell asleep just before 4am.

Last night on the other hand, he did not bother to ask for booby, he just placed his head on the pillow and fell asleep. He woke up once during the night and just fell right asleep. I am happy that he's finally learning to sleep without the breastfeeding and I feel free, yet sad at the same time. It feels as though apart of me has died.

But we'll have to see if he has finally made peace with no booby, or if he will still try to drink. The worst is over though.
